Thursday, June 7, 2012

Hotter Chilli plant varieties need more water

Bhut Jolokia and Scorpion Butch T plants need more water than most

Chilli growers and lovers will be familiar with capsaicinoids, the chemical behind the chilli fruits fiery and much prized bite.

Research by Joshua Tewksbury at Washington University points to the fact that these capsaicinoids are used by the growing chilli plants to deal with fungus and microbes that are detrimental to its fruit, especially its seeds.

Chilli plants with higher levels of capsaicin are less drought resistant then less hot varieties.  Findings were that the hotter varieties of chilli plants have quite a few more stomata ( pores ) on the underside of their leaves and therefore lost more water than their milder cousins when conditions were drier.  Milder chillies varieties such as the Jalapeno with fewer stomata are much better at retaining water.

Take this little factoid into account when you are growing chillies of different varities! © Growing Chillies

Growing Chillies another simple pest control solution

Organic pest control is preferred for a healthy Chilli Plant

Another surprisingly useful chilli plant pest control method is Fish Fertiliser.  It is great for deterring pests such as mites, caterpillars, nematodes and other such unwanted guests on your chilli plants.

It's not entirely known why this one seems to work, perhaps it is the oil content in fish fertiliser.  We can't provide a scientific reasoning for you.

Just that in the numbers game, the statistics show that this method seems to work quite well so why not give it a shot.

Be aware of the high nitrogen content found in fish based fertiliser and adjust how you fertilise your chilli plants accordingly. © Growing Chillies

Chilli plant spray pest control

Those of you who cultivate your chillies will know the irritation when pests begin to invade your plants.  But before you go out and buy a pest control solution from your local gardening store or nursery why not try our home made remedy first!

Obviously the preferred method for controlling pests on your chilli plants will be one that does not harm you when you eat them and our recipe is definitely a clean one.

This recipe has been tried and proven to be effective protecting chilli plants against a whole bunch of invaders and it takes less than 15 minutes to make a batch if you have all the ingredients handy.

Try the recipe for yourself click below © Growing Chillies

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Chilli plants and fertiliser

From Growing Chillies for beginners. All about growing chilli plants.

How to fertilize your chilli plants!

We've updated the fertilizer tips page, mostly to address questions we have been getting regarding what the best nutrient ratios for growing your chillies are. We've also included a handy smallholder trick for you that we learned that has surprising results for encouraging vigorous growth!
These are general techniques that will work for all chilli varieties that we have grown, including related plants such as the capsicum.

Check out the tips on : How to Fertilize Chilli Plants © Growing Chillies